We appreciate your visit to The Sports360degrees_News website. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us and holds significant value for our business. This privacy policy provides a comprehensive overview of how we collect information from you while you engage with our website or mobile applications. This includes activities such as downloading, accessing, or using these platforms to access information, products, offerings, or content through any internet-connected or mobile device.

User Consent

By using the services offered on The Sports360degrees_News websites (such as signing up for an account or communicating with us via our sites, applications, or social media channels), you explicitly agree and give consent to the gathering, utilization, and sharing of your personal information in accordance with the terms stated in this policy.

The utilization of our mobile applications

Our policy also encompasses our mobile applications. It is highly advisable to keep your mobile applications up-to-date to comply with the latest terms. In the event that you use older versions or access discontinued services, we cannot be held responsible for any damages that may arise from the collection, storage, and processing of your personal information under those older versions of the mobile application.

The collected personal information

We collect personal information on a voluntary basis. The types of personally identifiable information that we may gather include, but are not limited to, your name, address, email address, and details about your interests and usage of our various services. If you opt to register using accounts from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, etc., we will access information from those accounts to maintain communication with you and continue offering our services.

For example, you may provide your name and email address to subscribe to our newsletters, participate in our discussion forum, or offer feedback. Moreover, when using our ‘Mail This Story’ feature, you might provide your name and another person’s email address with explicit consent.

Be assured that any information you provide will not be disclosed or sold to any private organization or individual without your explicit consent. Additionally, there might be other occasions where we gather additional information, such as feedback, comments, content preferences, survey responses, or any other form of communication with us.

Acquisition of Information by Third-Party Sites and Sponsors

Please note that our website(s) may include links to other websites, which have their own privacy policies that may differ from ours. We advise visitors to review the privacy notices of these other sites, as we do not have control over the information they collect or receive from users.

Furthermore, we work with a reputable third-party service to display advertisements on our pages. During this process, the third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique “cookie” on your browser, gathering information (excluding your name, address, and email address) about your visits to our website and other sites. This information is used to deliver advertisements about products and services that may be of interest to you.

Information that is collected and stored automatically

When you visit our website(s) for browsing, reading pages, or downloading information without registering for any services, we automatically collect and store certain information related to your visit. This information is not personally identifiable and cannot be used to personally identify you.

The automatically collected details encompass the type of browser you are using (e.g., Netscape, Internet Explorer), the type of Operating System you are using (e.g., Windows ’98 or Mac OS), and the domain name of your Internet Service Provider (e.g., America Online, Satyam Online, Mantra Online, VSNL).

Additionally, we record the date and time of your visit, the specific pages you accessed, and geographical information, such as Country, Region, or City. This non-personally identifiable information is used to enhance the design and content of our website(s), with the primary goal of providing you with an improved browsing experience.

Declining to participate or be included

If a user decides to opt out using the Ads Settings, the original unique DoubleClick cookie ID on their browser will be replaced with “OPT_OUT.” This change makes the cookie ID no longer unique, which prevents the opt-out cookie from being associated with any particular browser.

Data logged in log files

When you access our website, application, or service, we automatically collect limited information about your computer’s internet connection, which includes your IP address and mobile number. The IP address is a distinct number utilized to direct data, such as the pages you view, to your computer on the internet. Moreover, we receive and record data from your browser, such as your IP address, computer name, operating system, browser type and version, CPU speed, and connection speed.

Additionally, we may collect log information from your device, which may encompass details like your location, device name, serial number, or a unique identification number like UDiD. Data related to your iOS device, which includes details about the operating system, browser type and version, CPU speed, connection speed, and other pertinent information.

Transparent GIFs

We utilize “clear GIFs” (Web Beacons) to track the online activities of our users anonymously, without identifying them personally. Additionally, we may embed clear GIFs in HTML-based emails sent to our users to track email opens. This information serves various purposes, such as delivering requested web pages, customizing our Sites or Service based on user interests, analyzing traffic on our Sites to improve their quality, functionality, and interactivity, and providing advertisers with geographical data about our users without revealing their personal identities.

Hyperlinks to external websites

Our website(s) include links to other websites on the World Wide Web. It’s important to note that we do not have control over the privacy policies of these external websites. Once you navigate away from our servers and visit these linked sites, any information you provide will be governed by the privacy policy of the respective site’s operator. We advise reading their privacy policies for more details.

Data deletion

We will store your personal information for as long as it is necessary to deliver our services to you, or until you explicitly request us to refrain from retaining your data. If you decide that you no longer want us to use your information, you can ask for the removal of your personal data and the closure of your services account. We will make reasonable efforts to handle your request promptly, considering your account activity and adhering to relevant laws.

To initiate the deletion of your information, you can contact our designated Grievance Officers via written communication or email, including an electronic signature. Please be aware that if you have multiple accounts with us, separate requests will be necessary for each account, along with the corresponding email IDs or phone numbers.

Information sourced from other channels

We have the possibility of gathering information about you from external sources and integrating it with our existing account data, managing it in accordance with this Policy. In case you furnish information to the platform provider or other partners we work with, they may share your account and order details with us.

Data pertaining to demographic details and other relevant information

In order to offer more personalized communications and promotions, we may utilize additional sources of demographic and relevant information. As part of our tracking process, we use Google Analytics, along with other tools, to observe user behavior on our Sites. Google Analytics is set up to support display advertising, enabling us to understand the demographics and interests of our users.

The resulting reports are anonymized and cannot be linked to any personally identifiable information you may have provided. If you prefer, you have the option to opt-out of Google Analytics for display advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings options provided by Google.

Additionally, we make use of Chart beat and comScore analytics on our website. These applications use anonymous data that cannot be tied to specific individuals to evaluate content performance and analyze marketing reach, penetration, and benchmarking.

 Links leading to external websites or ad servers

The Sites may feature links to other websites or applications, which are subject to their respective privacy policies beyond our control. Once you exit our servers, any information you provide will be governed by the privacy policy of the application operator you are visiting.

Keep in mind that their privacy policy might be different from ours. If you cannot find the privacy policy of any of these sites through a link on the application’s homepage, it is advisable to directly contact the application owners for further details.

When we share information with our advertisers to help them understand our audience and evaluate the value of advertising on our Sites, we usually present it as aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages or content within our Sites. We collaborate with third-party advertising companies to display ads when you visit our Sites.

These companies may utilize information (excluding your name, address, email address, or telephone number, or any other personally identifiable information) about your visits to this and other websites or applications to deliver advertisements about goods and services that might be of interest to you. Rest assured, we do not share any personally identifiable information with third-party websites, advertisers, or ad-servers without your consent.

The company’s use of information

By providing information, users enable us to improve the Services and create a user-friendly experience. Depending on the specific service or utility, we may request your contact address. All required information is specific to each service, and the company may use user information to maintain, protect, and enhance the Services, including advertising and personalization on the Sites, and to develop new services.

Moreover, we may use your email address or other personally identifiable information to send commercial or marketing messages about our Services, as well as updates and features related to third-party products and services, with the option to subscribe or unsubscribe where feasible.

However, your email address may also be used for non-marketing or administrative purposes, such as notifying you of significant changes or for customer service and billing purposes. Any personally identifiable information you provide will not be considered sensitive if it is publicly available or accessible, such as comments, messages, blogs, or content on social platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Any user-posted content in the public sections of the Sites becomes published content and is not treated as personally identifiable information under this Policy. If you choose not to submit personally identifiable information on the Sites, certain services may not be available to you. We will make reasonable efforts to inform you of this during the account opening process.

However, we will not be liable or responsible for the denial of certain services due to the lack of necessary personal information. When you register with the Sites or Services, we may occasionally contact you to update your personal information and provide features that we believe may be beneficial or of interest to you.

The act of exchanging information

The Company may share your information with third parties in specific circumstances without prior consent from the User:

  1. Disclosure may be necessary by law, court order, governmental agency, or authority for purposes such as identity verification, prevention, detection, investigation (including cyber incidents), or prosecution and punishment of offenses. These disclosures are made in good faith, believing they are reasonably necessary to enforce the Terms or comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. The Company may share information for business purposes within its group companies, including officers and employees, to process personal information on its behalf. Recipients of this information must agree to process it according to the Company’s instructions, in compliance with this Policy, and with appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
  3. Information may be provided to advertisers and third parties to help them understand the audience and evaluate advertising on the Sites. This typically involves aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages within the site.
  4. The Company may share information about your activities on Sites with third-party social websites to populate your social wall visible to others. However, you have the option to set privacy settings to control what you share with others.
  5. Information may be shared to enforce or protect the rights of the Company, its affiliates, associates, employees, directors, or officers, or when there is reason to believe that disclosing User(s) information is necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action against someone causing interference with the Company’s rights or Sites, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and when others could be harmed by such activities.

The procedure for obtaining and editing personal information

We make every effort to grant you access to your personal information when using the Services or Sites (including sub-sites) upon request. If any inaccuracies or deficiencies are found in your personal or sensitive data, we will do our best to correct or amend it, unless required by law or for legitimate business purposes.

To process such requests, we require individual users to verify their identities and specify the information they want to access, correct, or remove. However, we reserve the right to decline requests that are unreasonably repetitive, technically demanding, intrusive to others’ privacy, impractical (e.g., pertaining to information stored in backup tapes), or not legally mandated.

If we offer information access and correction services, they are provided at no cost, unless an unreasonable amount of effort is required. Please be aware that certain services and legal obligations may necessitate the retention of information even after deletion. In such cases, residual copies may persist on our active servers and backup systems for a certain period before being fully eliminated.

Safeguarding data

We take robust security measures to safeguard against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data. These measures include internal reviews, encryption, and physical security for our databases. Despite our best efforts, no system is entirely immune to breaches, and we cannot guarantee absolute security for our database or data transmitted over the Internet.

Please be aware that any information shared in public areas may be accessible to anyone with Internet access. Furthermore, we work with third-party advertising companies that may use non-personally identifiable information about your visits to present relevant ads for products and services that may interest you.

Changes/ alterations/ updates

As the internet is constantly evolving, we may update our Policy to align with technological advancements, legal changes, or other relevant factors. We have the right to modify the terms of this Policy or the Terms of Use at any time. These changes will become effective immediately after we provide notice, which may be through posting the updated policy on the Sites.

By continuing to use the Sites or Services after receiving such notice, you acknowledge and accept the revised Policy. We may also make reasonable efforts to inform you through electronic mail. We recommend regularly reviewing this Policy on the sites to stay informed about the latest version.

The reason for gathering, handling, and revealing your personal information

It seems you have provided a list of points describing how your organization utilizes user information. This information appears to be specific to your organization’s services, marketing efforts, and communication with users. As an AI language model, I don’t have access to your organization’s specific data or privacy policies. Nevertheless, I can offer general insights into how organizations commonly utilize user data:

  1. Providing and managing services: User information is used to offer and oversee the services provided, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  2. Registration and account management: User data is employed to create and maintain user accounts on the platform.
  3. Personalized content based on location: Location-specific content is delivered to users to enhance relevance and user satisfaction.
  4. Analyzing the audience and improving services: Data analysis helps in understanding user behavior, preferences, and demographics, leading to service enhancements and improved user experiences.
  5. Advertising and marketing: User information aids in helping advertisers comprehend the audience and deliver pertinent ads to users.
  6. Personalized content based on interests: Users receive tailored content, such as articles and news, based on their interests and interactions.
  7. Enabling and enhancing platform features: User data is utilized to enable and improve specific tools or functionalities on the platform, like tax and wealth calculators.
  8. Facilitating webcasts and webinars: Information may be used to enable user participation in online events hosted by the organization.
  9. Sending push notifications: Users receive push notifications on their browsers to stay informed about updates, news, or important events.
  10. Communication with users: Organizations use user information to send emails and other communications related to service updates, new features, promotions, surveys, and more.
  11. Notifying users about policy changes: Users are informed about any alterations in terms of service or privacy policy that may impact their interactions with the platform.
  12. Participation in interactive features: User data may be used to facilitate user engagement in interactive elements of the service.
  13. Customer support: Data may be shared with the customer support team to address user queries and concerns related to their rights or the services provided.

It is crucial for organizations to have transparent privacy policies that inform users about the data collection practices, usage, and measures taken to protect their information. Moreover, organizations must comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations to ensure user privacy and data security.

Managing Inquiries and Resolving Complaints

Redressal Process: If you have any grievances, complaints, or concerns related to the handling of your provided information or a breach of the terms, please promptly notify the designated Grievance Officer at infos@sports360degrees.com  via a written letter or an email signed with an electronic signature. In your communication, kindly include the following details:

  1. Your full name, postal residential address, email ID, and cell number.
  2. A self-attested photocopy or scanned copy of a government-issued photo ID.
  3. Provide the title, date/link of the news report, article, or content that is the subject of the complaint. Include the relevant sentence(s) or word(s) verbatim from the content, or explain the matter in 500 words.
  4. Clearly state whether the information is personal or sensitive personal data.
  5. Specify any supporting documents you rely upon and attach clear, readable, scanned copies. If using a court order, ensure it is a certified copy, with the Court, case number, and Judge’s name clearly visible.
  6. Sign a declaration confirming that all information and documents submitted with the complaint are accurate, complete, and up-to-date, with no false information included.
  7. Include a statement, under penalty of perjury, affirming the accuracy of the information in the notice and confirming that the information being complained about belongs to you.
  8. For any questions or suggestions about the Privacy Policy, you can also reach us using the provided contact information.

Please note that the complaint must be from someone personally and directly affected by the subject matter of the complaint. It should not be vexatious, trivial, or argumentative, and sending daily reminders is discouraged. The company will not be responsible for any communication sent to non-designated persons regarding this matter.